The Legacy of Nathan Cullen – Former Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship and Minister Responsible for Fisheries
Bye Bye Nathan – I wish I could say it was nice knowing you, but… I will not mince words here, so readers beware.
While many of the people I know cheered that Nathan Cullen was removed from Bulkley Valley-Stikine as our representative in the British Columbia legislature, and thought perhaps that he would silently disappear from the public’s eye, I have my serious doubts. I was not even planning on writing anything old or new about Cullen until I read the article written in The Tyee by Amanda Follett Hosgood. Obviously she never asked me for my opinion, even though I have known Nathan Cullen since he first came to town, Amanda came to town many many years later and missed most of what Nathan had said and done.
Truth be told Nathan has for the most part only ever lived riding the backs of taxpayers, and if the NDP win, you can bet his next projects could well be taxpayer funded. Cullen worked in several countries in Central and South America, during the 1990s, on community economic development projects. (Taxpayer funded projects) before Cullen moved to Smithers. he was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. Like many invasive birds he made his home here and lived off the system from the get go. So forgive me if I hope he moves back to where he came from.

On election night Nathan was quoted as saying “He added that there was “an underlying tension and grievance” throughout the campaign that “I don’t think reflected the best of the northwest.”
Gee wizz, I wonder why? If you were to ask me for an analysis of the vote, I would have put it this way, Nathan won the aboriginal vote, he was gifted the BC Teachers Federation vote, he was gifted the BCGEU vote, what he did not get was the vote of the remaining public. Let’s look at that more closely. I can appreciate that Nathan cared enough about the aboriginal community that they voted for him, not all but most, The drop in the bucket from Wil Marsden from Gitanyow was too small to make any diffidence. Let me call it as I saw it, Nathan Cullen spent most of his time “and OUR money” to buy the aboriginal vote. Did he work for them? Not really, he spent a vast amount of taxpayers dollars buying their votes, and did little to nothing for the rest of our riding, and people saw, experienced and felt that, and it was reflected in the breakdown of polls across our riding.
Nathan Cullen may not have noticed it but everyone else sure did, that 9 out of 10 stories was about Nathan saying, doing, or giving to aboriginals and taking away, sport fishing opportunities, forestry jobs, mining jobs, oil and gas jobs for the rest of us. Lots of housing, but nothing for the people who are putting bread and butter on the table, the working class. The last apartment built for ordinary citizens of Smithers was over 50 years ago, but lots for people who live off the backs of working class. I am not saying the minority does not need help, I am saying taking money out of the working poor’s pockets to feed those who need help is not a solution, its a problem. In Cullen’s case the minority got all of the money, with the exception of Bachrach’s bicycle buddies. They spent more on a bike trial than they did on rehab for the towns drug addicts.
While addicts, aboriginal protesters and misfits saw Cullen as Robin Hood, the rest of us saw him as a robbing hoodlum.
I understand his groupies will miss him dearly, as well as the taxpayers money that he spent like he owned it, but they will soon forget him and move on.
You solve the money problems not by giving everything to the poor, you solve it be creating wealth, creating jobs, and all Nathan has done is shut down more jobs.
Again in my humble opinion, I would hazard to say Nathan Cullen simply used the aboriginal people as a way and means to support the Tides Foundations objectives to shut down Oil, Gas, Mining, and Forestry in B.C. Nathan Cullen could be seen on may occasions standing with Skeenawild Conservation Trust funded in a massive way by the Tides Foundation.
Nobody will ever forget how Nathan Cullen took thousands of taxpayers dollars and did absolutely nothing to fix or get rid of the illegal blockaders on the Morice River logging roads.
Nathan Cullen goes on to say ” “I think we, as New Democrats, as progressive people, responded with consistent grace and integrity,” he said. Cullen’s defeat comes after a difficult campaign in Bulkley Valley-Stikine, where Cullen saw roughly half his election signs stolen or destroyed in the weeks leading up to the Oct. 19 election.
What a load of crap from Nathan while saying nothing about how many Conservative signs were stolen or knocked down. Grace and dignity, good Lord what a load of bunk, in all the years I have lived here as an adult, that’s over 50 years, I have never seen such a divisive and mean spirited politician in our riding. He help create the highest level of race hate with his divisive tax payer funded politics.
I have talked with many other seniors both aboriginal and non aboriginal and the absolute hatred spewed out at colonizers is astounding, when you define who colonizers really are to blame, the actual target is men and women who were considered whites. Or on social media WT replaces colonizers. Cullen brought out the more hatred that I have ever witnessed in the past with one exception, his protege Taylor Bachrach. So pardon me if I consider “responded with consistent grace and integrity” slandering the truth.
Next that trash talking Amanda Follett Hosgood. makes the following claim, could it be that she is lamenting the loss of a powerful ally to the eco-terrorist movement?
Hartwell, who previously served 12 years as mayor of Telkwa, has repeatedly praised organizers of the “Freedom Convoy,” which gridlocked downtown Ottawa for a month in early 2022, as “an inspiration” and has called for the firing of provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and said that “those who pushed the vaccine should be held accountable.”
Contrary to what Amanda Follett Hosgood claims, let me be clear about this, both aboriginal and non aboriginals in our community stood behind the Freedom Convoy is a massive way, they even had a large convoy right here in Smithers, but then again when your object its to trash talk your opponents (Clearly she is a spokesman for the anti-industry movement and hardly qualifies as an independent reporter. These people in mass voted Cullen out of office. (Even your buddy Adam Gagnon supported the truckers convoy) as noted on his Facebook page.
It goes to show how out of touch Amanda Follett Hosgood really is, or is the quest to spout propaganda more important than the truth?
Cullen then is quoted saying ““I do worry that a party elected people who think that school shootings were staged and fake, and COVID vaccines give you AIDS,” Cullen told The Tyee in an interview Monday. “I don’t think people check the label before reaching for a new thing. Grievances were felt and legitimate, but the very empty solutions offered are going to be very disappointing.”
Nathan funny how you see the faults of others, but never apologize for the ones you made.
Is Amanda Follett Hosgood having a memory blackout in regards to Annita Mcphee and “The person that everybody thinks has class and respect for Indigenous people. Listen as he belittles Roy Jones Jr. The Haida Liberal candidate for north coast riding. Cullen didn’t realize the Mic was on.”
Next you have to ask why as Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship and Minister Responsible for Fisheries, Nathan Cullen says nothing to defend the Nisg̱a’a People in spite of the NDP approval of the Ksi Lisims LNG Project, Nathan Cullen says nothing about the illegal blockade, as he was trying to hang on to the Gitxsan vote. Its always about himself and never about the people, is this what you call respect for Indigenous people? Playing one nation against the other?
Nathan Cullen ignored the Nisga’a people because they are not able to vote for Nathan.
Next we have Nathan Cullen in the shot below, with the anti coal mine lobbyists. On the second shot you see Karman Nikal who is a white Caucasian woman and aboriginal elder, (not a typo) arrested in the 44K blockade on the Morice River Road (birds of a feather) and another NDP protege Gladys Atrill. Doing their best to terminate jobs in the Bulkley Valley.
Oh but it keeps going, as I said the damage is done.
Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship and Minister Responsible for Fisheries
Keep in mind Nathan Cullen was the minister in charge
How could we not add the following accomplishments of Nathan Cullen.
Loss of hunting rights – This is a must see must share video that concerns all hunters in British Columbia
“One year into the three-year pilot project to decriminalize possession of 2.5 grams or less of heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA, B.C.’s toxic drug deaths have reached record levels with an average of seven people a day dying in 2023.” – Nathan Cullen and the NDP are killing our children
killing our jobs – How Nathan Cullen had Seaton Forest Products shut down.
Nation vs Nation – Nathan Cullen – Playing First Nations against First Nations.
Attack on (non aboriginal) Sport Fishing – Nathan Cullen finding more ways to kill Skeena River Salmon and Steelhead
– The closure of Meziadin Provincial Park another Goverment Sellout
– Who Are You Going to Call? by Bob Hooton Retired senior fisheries biologist
– Steelhead Management, Skeena Style by Bob Hooton
– They closed the Kispiox River – A state of Corruption on the Skeena
– Sport fishing is on the brink of extinction.
– Babine River Corridor Provincial Park – Sockeye Scam
Our forestry industry – Nathan Cullen is on the brink of signing a death blow to the forest industry.
– How to kill the BC Forest Industry
Let’s also not forget the horrendous crime rate in Smithers, all brought on because the NDP (Nathan included) decided to impose tent cities on communities.
In Smithers, or all over Smithers, parks and schools included needles are showing up to the detriment of our children health. Hundreds on needles are provided free (not really as taxpayer you and I are paying for them) are heanded out at a now locked Smithers Health Unit – Northern Health. for decades you could walk in and talk to the people inside, now the doors are locked to protect workers from violent people who might harm them. Then we see this, also thanks to Cullen and the NDP
Witness at Health Committee testifies that she has witnessed so-called “safe supply” being diverted into the hands of adolescents.
That brings me back to what Nathan Cullen said “He added that there was “an underlying tension and grievance” throughout the campaign that “I don’t think reflected the best of the northwest.”
I have to ask this question of Nathan, who do you think brought this on?
I will give the last word to Sharon Hartwell, telling it like it is, people knew it was, its why she won.
Nathan Cullen got what was coming to him, there was no organized campaign to attack him, he screwed over so many people, railroaded his way forward, had a complete disregard for any citizen who refused to see and do things Nathan’s way.
People simply don’t attack likeable people and when you get radical phony journalists like the “tax payer funded” Matt Simmons, writing dribble about Cullen being a victim in the Tides Foundation owned rag called the Narwhal it only antagonizes locals into rejecting these radicals even more.
Don’t let the door hit you in the hind end when you leave as unwanted guests.
The best reason I saw was from another local fisherman, who said that when Nathan Cullen became a minister, his head began to swell, by the time the election hit, his head no longer fit in British Columbia.