Nathan Cullen and the NDP are killing our children.
Sometimes reading the news and drinking coffee in the morning are a bad mix. I was reading the following, bear with me as I find another cup of java. I marvel at the picture above, clearly a man in love with himself.
“One year into the three-year pilot project to decriminalize possession of 2.5 grams or less of heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA, B.C.’s toxic drug deaths have reached record levels with an average of seven people a day dying in 2023.”

- “A B.C. cafe has been ordered to close for a day after it sold an undercover liquor inspector a can of beer to take out without selling them any food.”
- “B.C. seeks $6 million in properties allegedly tied to illegal crab-sales scheme”
- “Fines for illegal hunting and fishing in British Columbia are more than doubling as the province cracks down on offences against wildlife. The Ministry of Forests says the new scale of “Fines effective Tuesday under the Wildlife Act ranges from $345 to $1,495, up from the current range of $115 to $575.”
- A farmer in BC can eat his own beef, sheep or pig, without using a slaughterhouse, or have meat inspected, but can lose his farm if he sells it to you or me.
- A commercial fisherman could lose both his boat and licence if he sells fish directly to you or me.
- Selling home cooked meals is illegal in BC unless you have a goverment approved facility but when it comes to illicit drugs no problem.
We have all kinds of rules protecting people from selling food but handing out crack pipes is fine with the NDP
“We’ve had enough of David Eby and these drugs and handing out free crack pipes, having these drug dens in our community,” Rustad said.
“We’ve had enough of this nonsense. We’re going to end decriminalization, we’re going to end safe supply. We’re going to make sure we put in a regimen of treatment and recovery.”
Nathan Cullen is our representative (be that fortunately or unfortunately) depending on your own personal preference.
Imagine just in Smithers alone 94 victims in 2023, Houston 26 and all the other communities somehow are not listed, how cleaver and convenient. But then hiding the death toll for local residents is yet anther attempt by the NDP to hide just how brutal the drug problem that created has been. It makes me wonder if dereliction of duty should be a crime politicians should have to answer for. The number of ambulance calls for overdose is 42,172 for the province, do not forget that is only 87 communities out of all of British Columbia racked up this total. they have listed. There is no totals available yet for 2024.
Years ago the NDP chose to stop counting as a means of covering up facts, so we won’t know how many of our neighbours kids are dead due to NDP drug pushers, what dirty secrets has Nathan been keeping from us, and for what reasons?
By Health Authority, in 2024, the highest number of unregulated drug deaths were in Fraser and Vancouver Coastal Health Authorities (368 and 347 deaths, respectively), making up 52% of all such deaths during 2024. The highest rates were in Northern Health (76 deaths per 100,000 individuals) and Island Health (53 per 100,000). Overall, the rate in BC is 41 deaths per 100,000 individual in 2024.
- By Health Service Delivery Area (HSDA), in 2024, the highest rates were in Northern Interior, North Vancouver Island, Northwest, Vancouver, and Central Vancouver Island.
- By Local Health Area, in 2024, the highest rates were in Vancouver – Centre North, Vancouver Island North, Prince George, Cariboo/Chilcotin, and Greater Campbell River.
- In 2024, 81% of unregulated drug deaths occurred inside (48% in private residences and 33% in other inside residences including social and supportive housing, SROs, shelters, and hotels and other indoor locations) and 18% occurred outside in vehicles, sidewalks, streets, parks, etc.
- Smoking was the most common mode of consumption in 2024 with 68% showing evidence of smoking followed by nasal insufflation (15%), injection (12%), and oral (5%).
- There has been one death at an overdose prevention site (OPS) (in 2022). Please see the notes page for definition of death at OPS.
- In 2023-24, fentanyl was detected in 84%, cocaine in 48%, methamphetamine in 44%, bromazolam in 35%, and hydromorphone in 3% of unregulated drug deaths that have undergone expedited toxicology testing.