Nathan Cullen finding more ways to kill Skeena River Salmon and Steelhead
Nathan is increasing aboriginal ability to wipe out salmon and steelhead stocks, in an effort to save his failing political career.
Why so many fish articles recently? Well long story short, we published one regarding how “politics” replaced “conservation” on the Kispiox River. This set off a chain reaction by readers, not just in reading our article, but also submissions of more eye opening evidence that the “science” has been removed by a need to get “votes”. The reaction by our readers was the submission of a lot more eye opening stories that somehow our useless mainstream press chose to ignore. Could it be that with all their goverment funding, they could not write anything that would interrupt goverment funding? That said, on with this new eye opening story, and thank-you for your email, it was indeed enlightening.
How many people reading this know what a pound trap is? I pled guilty, I had no idea what they were, but almost crapped my drawers when I saw what Cullen was funding, if you thought the aboriginal fishery was slaughtering salmon and steelhead before, it looks like they are only just starting, what has occurred to date is the tip of an iceberg, that will leave non status residents out on the cold. But then again it seems 90% of Cullen’s tax payer funded giveaways are to buy aboriginal votes, A classic example is the shortage of rental unites in Smithers and Houston saw funding only for aboriginal tenants, nothing for those working for a living. “Rents will be geared to income and units available for Indigenous families, Elders and individuals through financing approved by the provincial BC Housing agency.” Also see “More than 1,600 new homes on the way for Indigenous people” Its all about buying the aboriginal vote.
OK on with the story.
“Lax Kw’alaams Business Development Ltd.receives $2.21M for the Skeena River Fish Trap Project in collaboration with Skeena Fisheries Commission and the Wild Fish Conservancy to evaluate the feasibility of an impoundment net fish trap in the lower Skeena River ( to harvest salmon and other species.”
Before I go on, I am not kidding about this, its posted on the Goverment of Canada website that uses the Narwhal article as a point of expertise. Its absolutly disgusting that the Goverment funded website would support such a radical website as the Narwhal. The Narwhal was formerly known as DeSmog Canada. I am dumbfounded and find this about as stupid as the Government of Canada using the KKK of expertise to make a point. The Narwhal is not a mainsteam source, they are extremists who really should not have any say in Canada. So now the Department of Fisheries and Oceans are getting their expertise from Eco radicals? Its in the link below, check it out, I am not kidding.
The Narwhal is a extremist radical environmental website, that changed its name from DeSmog Canada after being exposed for telling so many lies. The Narwhal is funded by The American Tides Foundation, aka the MakeWay Foundation., Canada’s National Observer and the The McConnell Foundation (also originating in the USA.)
Just how exactly is the mass slaughter of fish saving them?
The claim made by goverment is “The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia team up to protect salmon populations and the fisheries they support” The following from Cullen.
“Our government is taking action to protect and enhance watersheds and ecosystem health throughout the province. The projects we are announcing today will restore key salmon habitats, build climate-resilient salmon ecosystems and support the long-term economic and environmental sustainability of B.C.’s fisheries. These projects are using the best science and expert Indigenous knowledge to bring back abundance to B.C.’s waterways and the ecosystems and communities they support.”
The Honourable Nathan Cullen, B.C. Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship and Minister Responsible for Fisheries

In simple English it means Lax Kw’alaams are getting tax payer funds to build the largest net ever on the Skeena River, called a pound trap.
Now that you know, maybe you the readers can do something about it, not sure what could be done other than making sure this sellout is not re-elected this fall.
Here is the full official plan, its a PDF and its still on official file with goverment.
6409454 Site Plans
We found this one online as well, thanks to another caring senior.
Is anyone paying attention