Bulkley Valley-Stikine fed up with the NDP?

Over a steaming hot cup of fresh java I was reading something that caught my eye, and like most of us seniors, started to reminisce over days gone by. Years ago, our federal political riding was called Skeena. I believe it was around 2004 when they changed the name to better represent the voters of our region, and I would be remiss not to forget the attempt by Nathan Cullen in a very clever attempt to wipe out the name Bulkley Valley to replace it with the name Skeena-Pacific Northwest. Well history shows it did not happen, his phony (in house) poll failed, the public lash back proved that his poll was a scam, and he backed down.
However the NDP were more successful in changing the provincial riding name in 2009 from Bulkley Valley-Stikine to just calling it Stikine, but unlike in its federal counterpart, they opted to do it without public knowledge or discussion. Its hard to object if you deny people the right to approve a change, a typical NDP denial of democracy.
Now in regards to our Federal Riding Bulkley Valley-Stikine this electoral district was created in 2003 from Skeena, some of Prince George—Bulkley Valley and a small part of Cariboo—Chilcotin riding. It is precisely from the fact the riding boundaries are so different than in the past, that we cannot compare the results of elections prior to that date.
The first election in this new riding was a contest between Andy Burton from the Comox-Atlin Riding who bounced between the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance who were a spinoff of the failed Reform Party then switching to the Conservative Party of Canada vs. the new kid on the block Nathan Cullen.
Leading up to the 2004 election there was a lot of controversy, both lies, deceit and truth being told in regards to the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project and Nathan was the right person in the right position at that time to capitalize on the anger resulting from a belief that the pipeline would wipe out all west coast salmon. People in mass believed this was inevitable and out of fear elected Nathan to tell Ottawa we did not want this project.
Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen says even Conservatives in British Columbia oppose the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline. (See Footnotes 1 )
As a consequence of the Northern Gateway the NDP were able to capitalize on emotions and targeted rhetoric that over time eroded to prove that even without a pipeline, the salmon still took a massive population nose dive. Worse it clearly exposed that the NDP would use anyone, especially First Nations to manipulate them as a ways and means to halt all development of our region, a massive region, see image below. The NDP effectively killed enough development to keep all aboriginal communities in poverty, with the exception of the Haisla Nation and the Cedar LNG Project. Proof that First Nations do not need to beg goverment for handouts if you allow them into the fields of economic development.
So that brings us to Taylor Bachrach who was able to cash in on the coattails of Nathan Cullen. to get elected, he was well known as the mayor of Smithers, not so well known was were his powerful connections to the Sierra Club of BC, and a wife heavily connected to the Bulkley Valley Research Centre and the the Sierra Club of BC. His wife Michelle Larstone is the Community Engagement Specialist currently employed by the NDP Government from 2018 to present. (See Footnotes 2 )
Before Taylor Bachrach became an NDP candidate he was already donating significant amounts of money to Nathan Cullen, the following was stolen from another website, but is accurate.
- 1996 – 2000 – Degree Name Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Hons) from the University of Victoria.
- 2001 worked with the Fraser Headwaters Alliance previously known as the Canoe-Robson Environmental Coalition (CREC)
- Bachrach worked for Dogwood as the director from 2002 to 2007 (Dogwood was also funded directly by CorpEthics, USA at that time)
- 2002 Taylor Bachrach worked as a Communications Director for Sierra Club BC (a U.S.-based environmental organization)
- 2003 – present Owner of Bachrach Communications
- 2006– Bachrach donates nearly $500 to Cullen’s campaign. (How many twenty-somethings donate nearly $500 to elections campaigns?)
- 2008 – Bachrach moves to Telkwa and ran for village council.
- Nov 2008 – Nov 2011 Telkwa village council
- 2011 – Bachrach moves to Smithers and is urged by Bill Goodacre (former NDP MLA) to run as mayor of Smithers in order to oppose the the proposed Enbridge oil pipeline.
- 2008 and 2011– Bachrach Communications is the single largest recipient (over $25,000) of payments from Cullen’s campaigns.
- 2017– Donaldson becomes Minister, Michelle Larstone is immediately hired in a full time position at FLNRO.
- 2019– Bachrach is railroaded in past McPhee as the NDP candidate, Cullen works behind scenes to ensure his nomination, then actively campaigns for him. Bachrach is elected (large slide in NDP support) in October.
There are those, particularly in the mainstream media that have made the erroneous claims that this is typically an NDP Ridaing, if you take into account the riding only existed since 2004, its a bit of a stretch, and I think the numbers we are seeing today, largely reflect that Taylor Bachrach has simply become a Liberal vote in the House of Commons in order to hang onto his own seat. We would only be a tiny bit wrong if we said Taylor in the House of Commons supports the Liberals 100% of the time, give or take a few votes. He voted to increase your income tax, he voted to increase your gas tax, your home heating tax, your groceries, your medical costs, then parades the riding creating photo opportunities with his boss Jagmeet Singh all on OUR dime, on taxpayers dollars. Has anyone ever asked him how many tons of carbon he and his boss are responsible for?
Meanwhile expect not only gas prices to go up, everything except your income will go up thanks to Taylor Bachrach. Its no surprise that the numbers reflect what most people are saying, we cannot afford to keep the NDP in our riding, we need and want good paying jobs, First Nations want to cash in on a world looking for our resources, so they too can become in dependant, as opposed to dependant on the never never gravy train promised by the NDP.