Is Media Independence dead?
The primary newspaper between Prince Rupert and Prince George is Black Press, for our news we mostly depend on CTV, CBC and Global News, lastly we included the left wing rag called THE TYEE because it seems whenever the other media needs an eco radical point of view they end up quoting them. We have already noticed a massive spike in social media by news outlets trying to hang on to Liberal/NDP funding by running non stop anti Conservative advertising disguised as so called news. They run these stories not because its a news worthy story, they run them because its the Liberals and NDP that are bankrolling their new outlets. The deeper the Liberal/NDP sink in the polls, the greater the funding to buy their way out of this mess.
unless you wish to repeat history.
It seems the provincial NDP are equally as fearful of the provincial Conservatives that they too have stepped up both funding and expectations from the same media outlets.
“No we are not making this up, truth at times can appear to be more unbelievable than fiction.”
So were going to do something we rarely will ever do, showing you the truth by way of other news articles..
Why? Due to its importance to the constituents in our ridings here in the north. Plain and simple, the news you read and watch has no credibility when it gets paid by the Federal Liberals and BCNDP they have very little choice but to serve their new master. They went from independent media to dependant media. Note the date written, today there is much more to this story as this one is already outdated, much more has occurred since.
If you’re having trouble keeping track of the many ways the federal government is subsidizing selected news organizations, you can be forgiven. There are plenty of them, and the number keeps growing.
Currently, there exists:
The $50 million Local Journalism Initiative, the $595 million salary subsidy (commonly referred to as the newspaper bailout), and the $60 million pandemic-specific Emergency Support Fund.
Now, we can add to that list a $10 million “Special Measures for Journalism” top-up for 2021-22.
It should be noted that government-approved news organizations are not limited to receiving money from just one fund — many tap several of these initiatives at once, and some of the biggest media brands in Canada have successfully applied for all of them.
All of this is in addition to provincial subsidies and COVID-relief subsidies from the federal government that are not specific to media companies, which news organizations have also been receiving — primarily the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, or CEWS.
(Canadaland has received money from CEWS, but does not solicit or accept any media-related funding from any branch of government).
Publications such as Maclean’s, select Postmedia and Black Press papers, and The Walrus received funding from the $10 million media top-up fund the Trudeau government set up to provide relief during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The names of the publications that received funds from the $10 million remained undisclosed to the public until a few weeks ago. (The full list is provided at the bottom of this article).
David Larose, a spokesperson at the Department of Canadian Heritage, says in a statement that there were 754 publications accepted for this program.
“In recent years, the print media industry has seen its advertising revenues rapidly decreasing to the benefit of foreign platforms,” says Larose. “The pandemic has also severely affected the sector and still today, revenues have not returned to pre-pandemic levels.”
Larose says the funding formula considers expenses on editorial content and paid circulation to calculate funding to eligible periodicals.
The largest individual recipient of the $10 million top-up fund was the French-language television guide TV Hebdo, taking $195,266. Previously, TV Hebdo claimed $375,000 from the emergency relief fund.
Maclean’s received $166,302 from the top-up fund and $313,100 from the emergency relief fund.
“We’re really grateful for support for the arts, culture, and journalism that helped our teams weather the enormous challenges of the pandemic,” said St. Joseph Communications (SJC) Media content and creative vice-president Maryam Sanati.
Four of SJC’s other publications (English Chatelaine, French Châtelaine, Flare, and Today’s Parent) took a total of $179,547 from the top-up fund and $658,673 from the emergency relief fund. SJC Heritage Inc., separate from its registration for Macleans Inc., registered for the CEWS.
Certain Postmedia outlets applied for multiple pools of funding. The largest individual recipient of the top-up fund from Postmedia was Ontario Farmer, taking $116,496. Ontario Farmer received $213,814 from the emergency relief fund.
Postmedia received $10.8 million from the media bailout, $40.3 million from the CEWS, and $1 million from the Quebec government’s media subsidy program. Despite all of this additional funding, Postmedia closed 15 community newspapers, cut 70 jobs, and temporarily reduced salaries of employees making more than $60,000 per year in 2020. Postmedia reported a $52.8 million net profit in January.
Select Black Press publications collected money from these sources. The Lake Cowichan Gazette received $1,271 from the top-up fund, $5,000 from the emergency relief fund, and was the only recipient from Black Press to register for the CEWS.
Various Ming Pao Newspapers affiliates took funding from multiple government funds. The largest individual recipient of the top-up fund from Ming Pao was Saturday Magazine (Toronto Edition), taking $54,204. The same publication claimed $107,195 from the emergency relief fund.
A report from the Center for International Media Assistance in 2013 described Ming Pao as a “Beijing-friendly” publication, pandering to Chinese Communist Party sensibilities.
The Walrus received $58,195 from the top-up fund and $75,695 from the emergency relief fund. The Walrus Foundation registered for the CEWS.
Jennifer Hollett, the executive director at The Walrus, declined to comment about how this funding was used.
Canadaland reported that a series of connections between the governing Liberal Party of Canada and the Walrus Foundation might have affected the editorial standards and direction at the magazine in the mid 2010s.
Millions more in federal media subsidies have yet to be dispersed. An additional $21.5 million has been provided for 2021-2022 to assist free, digital, and small-circulation magazines and weekly newspapers.
Recipients of the $21.5 million in assistance funding will be made public in early 2022.
Larose says the Canadian government believes the health of democracy is based on the health of the news ecosystem.
“The government of Canada is committed to fostering strong and dynamic magazine and community newspaper sectors that meet the evolving needs of readers,” he says.
As I said at the start, it does not end there, it continues to this very day.

News Media Canada is pleased to announce an increase in funds for its Local Journalism Initiative program. The funds, confirmed by the Department of Canadian Heritage, will be for the 2023-2024 cycle of the Initiative and will enable the association to fund at least 55 more reporter positions across Canada.
The much-needed funds come as the news media industry continues to struggle post-COVID and as News Media Canada assesses a new batch of applications from print and digital news media outlets for the coming year. Added to its previous estimate of 98 reporter positions, the association will now be able to fund over 150 positions. This number is expected to be even higher when considering the different types of projects that are eligible, including projects for full-time, part-time, freelance and short-term work.
Now entering its final year, the five-year Local Journalism Initiative was created by the Government of Canada in 2019 to support the creation of original civic journalism that covers the diverse needs of underserved communities across Canada. Funding is available to eligible Canadian media organizations to hire journalists or pay freelance journalists to produce civic journalism for underserved communities. The content produced is made available to media organizations through a Creative Commons license so that Canadians can be better informed.
Projects funded by News Media Canada’s LJI program produce a variety of news content on a wide range of local civic issues, including standard daily news stories, longer-form in-depth features, and investigative reporting.
Decisions on the current batch of applications will be made by News Media Canada’s LJI judging panel in the coming weeks.