Do not give up your fossil fuel cook stove – NDP surcharge planned.
Before we are even out of the starting gate on the new NDP’s “Clean BC program” and its insane obsession with “Zero-Emission Vehicles Act” both of which require much more electricity than British Columbia actually has, they came up with yet another devious idea. It was not long ago when the BC NDP anounced that it approved a new (GREEN) Hydrogen production plant in Prince George. BUT there is only one small problem that will derail the entire stupid plan, simply put BC does not have the electricity needed to put this plan into action. “Rob Shaw: Leaked memo reveals BC NDP having trouble squaring energy ambitions with reality.
“Mr. Forrest needs 1000 megawatts of electricity for the project that he has proposed, and that is massive.” ““This would give us some leverage with companies like Fortescue — you’ll either going to pay BC Hydro $1 billion under the existing tariff OR agree to scale down size of your project, prioritize hydrogen for domestic supply, and build some of your own wind turbines to power the project,” read the advisor’s comments.”
We are seeing a non stop blittz of Nathan Cullen photo opts like a true opportunist with every aboriginal community in his riding, the rest of us do not matter it seems. Indigenous-led conservation in B.C.’s Great Bear Sea gets $60 million injection But zilch, zip, nada, nothing, the rest of us unimportant citizens in his riding.
That brings us to the point of this article.
A hydro surcharge on those using electric cook stoves.
Not just your electric stoves, if you want to escape this surcharge you need to turn off your heat, lights, water, your TV and internet, anything that uses power between 4 and 7 in the evening.
Its hard to believe, yet its not a word of a lie, and imagine Nathan Cullen did not have your back, again. Recall the days when they were installing these new Smart Meters in British Columbia, how they claimed they would never be used to charge variable rates, they were installed only as a means to report used power without sending a meter man/maid to your house, a cost saving measure.
It looks like the NDP have decided that eating supper between 4 and 7 PM is now a luxury we should be paying for.
So where was Nathan Cullen when all of these new screws into your wallet are being developed?
BC Hydro to introduce time-of-day billing – For the rich, not a problem, for those who cannot afford to pay more will have to cook supper in the morning, how nice Nathan Cullen.
Don’t give up your fossil fuels yet, it looks like the NDP have a plan to own your lives and control it with BC Hydro.