Tanker ban is an epic fail that hurts Canadians
Why are we protecting American Oil companies from Canadian competition? Its not like or even likely that doing so will reduce world oil consumption, it only insures Canada will not profit from our own resources. (See Footnotes 1 )
Is it not ironic, that just on the brink of when First Nations were about to earn their way out of poverty, eco extremists pit First Nations against each other to block Canada from the still growing market. Then you have the likes of the NDP enjoying the slugfest from the sidelines.
Taylor Bachrach was escorting his leader Jagmeet Singh (his real name is actually Jagmeet Singh Jimmy Dhaliwal) around our riding targeting it appears First Nations, doing his best to promote divisions among them with his anti carbon agenda. More of that “tell them what they want to hear” then do it his own way, once he is back in Ottawa.
Keeping Trudeau in power in order to keep the NDP in power there. BTW taxpayers are on the hook for this campaign tour of Skeena Bulkley Valley. What kind of powerful bullshit is he promoting? No we are not all eco fanatics and he has no right to label us, most of us work in the resource industry, we drive trucks and we are being bludgeoned by his Carbon Tax and ever rising costs of groceries on account of his carbon obsession. And if we have our way Taylor Bachrach will not be going to Ottawa to represent us, as he has done enough to hurt our riding.
We care about our environment, we care about our environment, but we are not part of your eco fanatic crusade.

In regard to the image above – Posing with Jagmeet is the Tyee’s radical environmentalist Amanda Follett Hosgood who is another embedded mouthpiece for the blockaders on the Morice River pallet city camp run by Molly Wickham. Amanda Follett Hosgood moved to the Bulkley Valley in 2006 from Alberta, originates out of Ontario as a reporter for the NDP tabloid the Tyee. She hardly qualifies as a local resident as she is here merely as a job assignment. She is a full time environmentalist activist and most certainly is not representative of the people who live here.
(See Footnotes 2 ) and (See Footnotes 3 )
Most of the people living in both Taylor Bachrach’s riding are also aware that Nathan Cullen was the architect behind a pipeline ban that would not prevent tanker traffic on the BC Coast, it would only prohibit Canada from exporting oil out of ports in Northern BC. It would prohibit oil pipelines from being built that could and would have provided millions if not billions of dollars to both aboriginal and non aboriginal communities in northwestern British Columbia.
Imagine if we had Danielle Smith as our premier and had the Conservatives leading our province.
Quoting the Epoch Times (See Footnotes 4 )
“I believe it is incumbent on our provinces to play a leadership role in expanding and advocating for greater market access,” Smith said. She also asked Saskatchewan and Manitoba to work together with Alberta to expand the capacity of the Port of Churchill rail and port systems. The Port of Churchill, in Churchill, Man., is a privately owned port on the Hudson Bay in a town accessible only by train or plane. It is the only seaport that connects with railways and the only Arctic deep-water port in Canada.
Smith acknowledged that expansion is costly but said investors have made it clear there is growing interest in responsibly produced energy and agricultural products. According to Smith, Arctic operations are more viable than before.
Smith requested that the three premiers meet in Churchill to discuss the port as well as energy, food security issues, pipelines, and infrastructure improvements to existing rail lines and highways. Smith said this is an opportunity for the Prairie provinces to become more competitive, take a larger role globally, and address food and energy shortages. Read the actual letter here.
Northern communities will miss out on a massive economic boom, worth billions of dollars, the taxes alone could fund the best medical hospitals in the world, it could fund education for our youth, instead of using immigrants to fill jobs for highly educated professionals we could have our kids learn and take those jobs. Housing now is so unaffordable our kids might never own a home thanks to stupid bills like the one Nathan Cullen sponsored.
Danielle Smith nailed it when she said “Those latte-sipping anti-pipeline zealots got their start with the NDP“
Are we supposed to forget David Eggan’s “No new approvals!” chant at a Voices of Protest rally? Or now-former NDP MLA Robin Luff protesting “dirty oil” at an anti-Keystone rally? Or Rachel Notley rallying against climate change with Greenpeace and the Sierra Club, standing with protestors bearing signs that said “No Tarsands No Tankers No Pipelines No Problem”? Or that Shannon Phillips literally helped write the book with Greenpeace activist Mike Hudema on how to use protest as a tool to stop global capitalism?
Turns out Phillips also appeared at a protest against Northern Gateway and intervened at the National Energy Board to oppose it. Let’s also not forget that Notley herself fessed up that she opposed the Northern Gateway pipeline and the Keystone XL pipeline in an editorial board meeting just prior to the election.
The following image demonstrates just how stupid this tanker bill really is, do you think spilled oil is exempt from going to the coast just because Nathan said so?
We need a new political party that puts the interests of its citizens first. if only we could get someone like Danielle Smith, listen to what she suggests, why can we not do this in British Columbia? Imagine having the political will to insure projects get done as opposed to blocking everything. Imagine a Canada that negotiated the entire pipeline then put put it out to private companies to build it. Try finding a protester or an eco extremist that does not drive a gas powered clunker to the scene of their next protest. Here is a link to the original footage, we appreciate and give credit to the original authors “The New Guards Media” (See Footnotes 5 )
- Anti-pipeline groups received $1.3B in foreign backing.
- “All media requests must be sent to Jennifer Wickham (Molly the ringleader’s sister) through email or phone. All reporting must center,, prioritize and uplift Wet’suwet’en voices and sovereignty (which in this case means the Hereditary Chiefs’ version not the band councils and majority who voted for CGL). Reporting focusing on or using non- Wet’suwet’en voices (supports, etc) must be FIRST approved by Jennifer Wickham. Failure to respect Media Protocol could result in being banned from reporting on Wet’suwet’en stories.”
- “Claims they are journalists are suspect. I have been a journalist for 45 years and I would not sign on under these conditions. These are the restrictions the “journalists” were working under. In which case they were no longer journalists but in fact PR agents IMHO.
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/alberta-premier-danielle-smith-calls-on-prairie-provinces-to-unite_4827574.html
- https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=501692985353444