Police Conduct – Are these officers crossing the line?
Now I will admit 99 times out of 100 you will see me siding with police, they have a dirty job to do, and its not always easy when you deal with hardened criminals.
In the news yesterday
However I draw a line in the sand when it comes to kids peacefully playing hockey and the price for daring to ask why they cannot play are threatened with a barrage of swear words and female officers trying to knee a teenage kid in the nuts is crossing the line, Covid or No COVID.
Apparently they broke the rule of no more than 10 kids at a time, they had 15 according to the person who filed the complaint to the Calgary Police.
At the same news conference, Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi said outdoor rinks are open and residents can visit the rinks with their family cohorts.
“If there are other people on the rink, you don’t have to go home. You can still stay out there. You shouldn’t really start lots of big games of pick-up hockey with people around you,” he said.
“There’s no hard and fast rule on how many people can be on the rink, but it’s one of those things like the [U.S. Supreme Court] said about pornography — you know it when you see it.”
So with no hard and fast rule, what the hell were the Calgary Police doing?
Watch and turn on your speakers. This video was captured by one of the kids playing hockey.
Screaming officer keeps yelling “Get on the fucking ground over and over”
“Get on the fucking ground your under arrest” “Get on the fucking ground right now” “Get on the ground before i fucking taser you” near the end “Get on the fucking ground” then again “You fuck” Is that language becoming of a Calgary Police Officer?
Below is how Calgary kids see what happened.

Calgary’s finest leading by example.
Not a local story, but very disturbing to watch police behaving like this towards kids, if this is how police behave and we as adults cannot respect police, how can we get or kids to respect them? I sure hope the two female officers are fired, its not enough to just suspend them, Calgary needs to send a strong message to its officers.