Taylor Bachrach – Grandstanding to get aboriginal votes is not respect for the dead.
This article by my own admission is one of the most difficult articles I have ever written, not because of the victims of drug overdose, but rather the abusive tendency of some to use the dead as a grandstand for their careers. In a desperate attempt to recover the massive shift in the polls Taylor Bachrach uses his allotted time to speak to the nation as the parliamentary representative of Skeena—Bulkley Valley. In part what really bothered me is not just what he said, but what he did not say. But lets hear it from the horses mouth, they you judge what I wrote.
“10 years ago Bachrach said they didn’t come up with a quick-fix solution but the town wants to work with social services to address the underlying issues.” “Today Mayor Gladys Atrill spouts the same rubbish.” Clearly they have no intention to fix the problem, its far to lucrative for their own agenda.
First let me start by showing you how serious the polls are for Taylor Bachrach. It looks like he is not even in a race with Ellis Ross, he can almost be declared missing from the riding.
As most of you know, I do not like or trust polls, because if I did I would simply wait for him to be UN-elected. So let’s get back to the topic at hand. Am I the only one who noticed that Taylor mentions a set of names, Kirsten Patrick’s mother, sister, children and partner, whom we are guessing are not homeless and do not live in Smithers. Nothing is said about why Kirsten Patrick was not living with them. More on this later, first I want to look at something else.
I could list a lot of names, of young women and men who died due to drug overdose in Smithers, or even worse the entire riding of Skeena—Bulkley Valley. One might ask if this case was so much more deserving of a speech in the House of Commons and none for the others. Most families do not want the public to know how a family member died when it comes to either overdose or suicide, often the two are tightly connected. It was only a short time ago when we wrote a story titled Nathan Cullen and the NDP are killing our children. Considering that the drug situation was a joint venture of the NDP and federal Liberals, and considering Taylor Bachrach voted with the Liberals on testing what they call safe supply to our children, then its on both their heads that are kids are dying.
You do not cover your tracks, or your responsibility in the deaths of our children by using our House of Commons to do a makeover of the dead.
Imagine just in Smithers alone 94 overdose victims in 2023, Houston 26 overdose and all the other communities somehow are not listed, how clever and convenient. The NDP concept of if we don’t count them they did not happen. Still we know Hazelton suffered greatly from drug overdoses.
Next I want you to watch a very short video, testimony under oath.
The following comes from Prince George B.C. (Its a screenshot)

Now I wish to get back to the topic of Kirsten Patrick, and I say the following with full respect for the dead, that it did not have to come to this, Kirsten Patrick would be alive today except she is dead due to NDP/Liberal experiments, and a lack of loving our children enough to send them to rehab when they were no longer in control of their lives. Shame on you Taylor Bachrach, you knew, and did nothing other than let her meet her fate. Now the NDP/Liberals have admitted their experiment failed, handing out drugs only killed more children.

Handing out crack pipes and needles does not fix a problem, it creates more problems, the discarded and dangerous needles are showing up all over town including where our children play.
The homeless camp is a siren screaming out for help, not assistance in handouts, tents and free needles. Taylor Bachrach, if there is a shred of decency in you, you will use what is left of your term to get these kids into rehab, stop with the getting elected bullshit and fight for our children. We don’t need accolades for dead children, we need to stop the deaths from happening.
Now back to Kirsten Patrick, more of the story you did not tell while grandstanding to buy votes.
“10 years ago Mayor Bachrach said “they didn’t come up with a quick-fix solution but the town wants to work with social services to address the underlying issues.” That same line is being sold to us today.”
Do you recall the story written in the NDP Newspaper called the Tyee? Using these victims to promote “Community mourns ‘really beautiful people,’ while advocates call for more Indigenous-run housing”
Let me jog your memory about meeting Kirsten, this is a copy past from your NDP Newspaper in 2021, where the ze L K’ant Friendship Centre in Smithers accused the Smithers Community Services Association of being to blame for these aboriginals because Goodacre Place was run by racist white people. (not in exact words but it did equate to the same accusation.) Keep in mind the original “Smithers Indian Friendship Centre” was created to foster friendship between the aboriginal community and non aboriginals, and it has devolved since then to where they now use it to politically attack local residents as if we are the enemy. We did not change, it was the core leaders of the “Smithers Indian Friendship Centre” that changed. I was there at the opening ceremony, the currant leadership was not there.
Sitting at a picnic table in downtown Smithers, Kirsten Patrick and Floyd Hyzims say they’re scared.
The pair would rather live in a tent in the northern B.C. community than shelter at its supportive housing project, Goodacre Place, where at least half a dozen people have died over the past year.
On Friday, the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres and Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society in Smithers called for an Indigenous-led investigation into the deaths, which they say are the highest of any BC Housing facility in the province.
Stikine MLA Nathan Cullen and a spokesperson for BC Housing both said later in the day that the province would hire two independent investigators, one of them from the Wet’suwet’en Nation, to determine what led to the deaths.
But the news has shaken community members and local service providers, raising the importance of safe and culturally appropriate housing for those experiencing homelessness and addiction.
“Everyone’s worried,” says Patrick, who can easily name six people who have died at the facility over the past year, all of them Indigenous men and most with a family connection to herself or Hyzims. Several more who accessed services at the site are believed to have died in the community in the past year.
Patrick, who recently saved two friends from overdoses, says she won’t enter the facility.
“If I stay there, I don’t know if I could see more people like that. It’s too hard,” she says. “It’s like they’re not even checking up on them.”
The facility opened February 2019 as part of the province’s Rapid Response to Homelessness program, which promises “around-the-clock staffing to help young people, people with disabilities, seniors and others in critical housing
The Verdict: Smithers Community Services Association was cleared of all accusations of wrong doing.
The following is what I am referring to as “devolved” since then to where they now use it to politically attack local Smithers residents as if we are the enemy. However the owner of this tax funded project is the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society.
Annette Morgan is executive director of Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre in Smithers. She says the society has been trying to build an Indigenous-run supportive housing facility for years but has experienced delays and a lack of support from the town and Smithers Community Services Association, which runs Goodacre Place.
“The Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society has recognized that Smithers is the poorest example of Indigenous housing in the province, and we’ve stated that for a number of years,” Morgan says.
Then was gifted exactly that by NDP Nathan Cullen, NDP Gladys – Annette Morgant’s reward for calling Smithers “the poorest example of Indigenous housing in the province.”
Back to Kirsten Patrick
Left unsaid is that Kirsten Patrick is the older sister of Jessica Patrick, whose body was found just outside of Smithers, The newspaper reads “Two years after her death, Jessica Patrick’s family is still looking for answers. Patrick was last seen leaving Mountain View Motel in Smithers in the early morning hours of Aug. 31 2018.” What we do know is that the newspaper claims she Jessica Patrick had a baby, was living in a tent in Smithers, “She was only 18, she was still in MCFDC [The Ministry of Children and Family Development] care when she was deceased.” Its really strange or intentional that a cause of death was never released to the public. Why, What are they hiding from us? Funny when you have an MP that does not demand cause of death, why? What are they hiding? The million dollar question is who ordered the silence on cause of death?
Let me be extremely clear about this because there are accusations citing murder, it cannot be murder until the coroners report reveals cause of death. Maybe police need to question the people who made those accusations.
Her mother lived in a house, not in Smithers, just like in the case of Kirsten Patrick, who opted to live in a tent as well as opposed to living with her mother. Facts sometimes suck, but it does not change the facts.
Let’s jump back a few years, when Mayor Taylor Bachrach is quoted in the Interior News story “‘They’re not homeless, Smithers is their home. They’re houseless’
“Smithers council made two crucial approvals last Tuesday for the planned 24-unit supportive housing project on Railway Avenue.
The housing complex is meant for homeless people and would include the Broadway Shelter, 24-hour staffing and support funded by the Province, and include needs assessments and case plans for each tenant. BC Housing would lease the property from the Town of Smithers, and Smithers Community Services Association (SCSA) would serve as a landlord and provide support services to residents, working with other organizations including Northern Health.”
Then this also from the past “The Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society applied for a grant from the federal government’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Commemoration Fund for a mural to be painted on the outside of their building on Main Street in Smithers.” All of the buildings now owned by the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society were paid for by colonialist taxpayers.
MONEY, MONEY, MONEY whose getting it and whose paying it.
Let’s jump forward again to July 19th 2021
The following was written by Dan Mesec
The local tenting community of homeless individuals is sitting in Veteran’s Park this month, a tree-lined piece of property owned by the town of Smithers.
This grassy area is nestled between the library and town hall and was chosen strategically. When the COVID-19 pandemic forced everyone in the province to stay indoors, the question of how to offer safe, isolate temporary housing for people living rough (“tenting”) arose.
The town created a facility on the outskirts of town to provide safe living, heat, food and shelter.
After that shelter closed down due to lack of funding and less isolated measures, the town asked their homeless population to set up tents in the town centre, Bovill Square.
Now the tent city has moved them again to Veteran’s Park. In both previous locations (and still including this one), the people living in these tents are experiencing verbal threats and harassment.
CICK spoke with two residents of the camp, a couple named Ken and Lisa, about their experience living in the tent camp and their personal history with shelter in Smithers, BC.
So without question that it was Gladys Atrill created the legal permission by inviting the illegal encampment to move to Veterans Park. Gladys Atrill has always had close connections to the NDP and Taylor Bachrach. This permission put all of the residents of Smithers on the hook, to pay all costs involved with this encampment. This from a major who pays her property taxes in Telkwa, not Smithers, she continually violates the rule of conflict of interest.
Neither Gladys Atrill, Nathan Cullen, or Taylor Bachrach ever speak about the fact that over 90 percent of all the people living in Smithers tent city came from homes outside of the Smithers community, none of them want you to know they never asked the communities these people came from for any assistance in paying the expenses, these politicians knowingly dumped the cost on Smithers Tax payers.
Next listen to the following audio broadcast from CLICK radio, from the same date. Keep in mind Dan Mesec has close ties to the NDP, and if memory serves me right even worked on getting Cullen elected. I cannot say anything about the male voice as I do not know him, but the female voice is that of Lisa Glaim who has a very extensive record with the RCMP. These are not minor infraction, she has a reputation among aboriginal women who wear the scars of being assaulted by Lisa. There was even an incident where a logging truck driver called for police assistance from the inside of his truck as he was being attacked by a woman on the hood of his truck. Lisa has a very extensive history of being violent, so let’s not sugarcoat the interview.
You can read more about here.
Instead of mandatory rehab, it looks like way too much money is changing hands over pretending they care about our children. There will always be those who profit off the backs of our children.
Kirsten Patrick and her sister were part of homeless movement, inspired by the NDP that goes back to when Taylor Bachrach was the mayor of Smithers.
Remember this Oct. 9th, 2014?
Smithers town council is taking steps to ease residents’ concerns about the loitering going on at Bovill Square.
Mayor Taylor Bachrach says he, along with Councillor Frank Wray, met with the Salvation Army, Broadway Place Shelter and Positive Living North
He adds the RCMP also attended the meeting to discuss their role.
“We did receive some assurance from the RCMP that they know what is going on and the people involved and they are actively working to make the situation better, ” he says. “That is good to hear. The RCMP in our community do a good job. We are going to stay in touch and if there are steps the town can take, we are open to that.”
Bachrach says they didn’t come up with a quick-fix solution but the town wants to work with social services to address the underlying issues.
He says he knows this a frustrating situation but is asking residents to be understanding and compassionate for their neighbours that are dealing with mental issues or addiction.
Compare that to what Taylor Bachrach is saying today! Here we are 10 years later and we accomplished NOTHING to fix this problem. But a lot of our kids died, that needs to stop, and it can if we replace good intentions with real rehab. This is all about creating race hate, sowing dissension between aboriginal and non aboriginal communities.
Now let’s jump forward to March 16th 2023 another newspaper report worth reading.
In notes from the February 2023 Smithers town council meeting: On July 18, 2022, Town staff sought a legal review of the current “tent cities” encampments that had recently grown in specific locations around the Town. The history prior to this is summarized below:
- During COVID, there was a homeless camp set up on Town land “Tatlow Road” and multiple services agencies were involved in the operation of it. The camp lasted one winter season before one tent burned down. As the weather improved, all the residents moved on to other areas except for one occupant. There were various issues reported from local service agencies as to why the location and camp were not a success with primary factors being that it was winter, cold and too far for individuals to walk to the services they require.
- The Town has always had a homeless population that would camp in the summer months at what is known as the “Snow Dump” site (also known colloquially as the jungle). This area is located at the south end of undeveloped Broadway Avenue on Town-owned lands, flanked by Crown lands on both sides.
- In 2021, occupants popped up at the “Snow Dump” again, but their tents and belongings were being attacked. The occupants did not feel safe in that location any longer and tents started popping up in new locations around Town.
- Tents appeared on the grassed area and stage of Bovill Square.
- Council allowed occupants to camp at the park across the street from the Town Hall, adjacent to Veterans Park, in order to try and mitigate the situation.
- Usually, the Town sees homeless tents in the spring and summer months until September/October, when many occupants find alternate means of housing, with a few battling out the winter in tents throughout the Town or in sheds. It appears that many occupants were able to find housing options outside of Smithers in nearby communities (for example; Houston, Fort Babine, Witset)
- 2021 winter came and there were about 5–7 occupants who had no alternative winter housing options. As such, the Town via Positive Living North worked with BC Housing to bring in a dry bunkhouse trailer and place it on the land adjacent to Veterans Park. Under a separate grant project, the Town provided 8 exterior vandal-resistant lockers for the residents. The temporary trailer was funded under the Emergency Winter Housing fund with BC Housing and the trailer was removed at the end of May 2022 once funding ran out.
- Following the recent ruling of Prince George (City) v. Stewart and Prince George (City) v. Johnny, and because of the limited emergency shelter spots available in Town, Council continued to allow this location to be used by people experiencing homelessness.
They burned it down and moved back into Bovil Square.
The Town of Smithers always had a deterrent to homeless encampment, but intentionally chose not to use it. How many people there would have time to steal from citizens if they had to pack up every day? Seriously this is an NDP attack on local citizens, keeping everyone hostage to the crimes being committed.