BC Greens have Wil Marsden from Gitanyow as their candidate for Bulkley Valley-Stikine
This should send Nathan Cullen into panic mode. Wil Marsden is at the centre of the illegal occupation of Nisga’a Lands. The Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government has filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court of B.C. against “Raven Clan Outlaws,” who they say are illegally occupying Nisg̱a’a Treaty territory. A treaty which came into effect in May 2000. Wil Marsden is the “Raven Clan Outlaws,” Well it looks like environmentalists now have a choice, this should be a fun election.
It appears Wil Marsden also using the alias of Wilhelm Marsden for his candidacy.
it looks like he has some serious handgun issues to overcome as well.