Explosions rock Smithers thanks to the towns refusal to remove addicts, alcoholics and thieves from Veterans Park
Is there anyone surprised to see these three celebrating spending more taxpayers money, in order to get re-elected?
In what seems to be a never ending saga a den of thieves, drug addicts, and alcoholics are turning Smithers into a free-for-all for theft, vandalism, needles and even drugs for kids to pick up anywhere in Smithers including in children’s parks. Local businesses have been demanding something to be done, but again the three amigos appear to be solid in its position to keep punishing the residents of Smithers. Even after a call from local merchants “Smithers downtown merchants call for removal of homeless encampment” Quote from that article,
“Cullen said, the specific ask from the merchants of moving the encampment, is extremely challenging.
“We know how the law works, that we have to give people an alternative to living in a tent, we can’t just evict,” he said. “And that’s why we’ve made several attempts to fund some programs… but it’s going to take some time. In the meantime, keeping the downtown safe, better supports for merchants, more foot patrols, more community services, and those kinds of things I think are going to help and have helped so far.”
What Cullen is really saying is do nothing more than throwing more tax dollars at the problem.
This is what some people call Sophists, “Sophists, are individuals who use logic to twist the meanings of words in order to present themselves in a better light, or otherwise twist logic to suit their needs.“
But let’s be honest here, its far worse than just twisted truth, its a flat out lie by Nathan Cullen, Gladys Atrill, and Taylor Bachrach.

Nathan Cullen referred to the law but avoided admitting its not being used, have a look just how twisted the forked tongue really is. This law has never, may I repeat, never been applied because it would undermine the punishment Smithers residents are getting from this forced plague. Read the law below, and see for yourself, they could apply that law but intentionally do not, putting many lives at risk,, watch the video and stolen propane tanks exploding.
Watch how volunteer members of the Smithers Fire Department have to give up their Statuary Holiday, put their lives at risk from exploding propane tanks, discarded needles and God knows what else. (Note we downloaded this video in circulation on Facebook, we claim no rights to the video) Why are propane tanks even allowed in this kind of setting? Its like giving children at a daycare matches to play with, its extremely dangerous for people on killer drugs or drunk handling propane in such a tight setting, its incredible nobody was killed here.
The Smithers Town Council is a joke on the citizens of Smithers, back in May 9, 2024 they claimed “Smithers takes action for homeless encampment cleanup – Tents will be temporarily moved biweekly for park cleanup then returned to original positions” Clearly that seems to have been a one shot pilot project, as nothing appears to be moving out, only more stolen goods moving in. Imagine all these so called homeless having so much junk that they need so many dumpsters for garbage alone? This all started under the direction of Taylor Bachrach when he was the mayor of Smithers, and he never admitted he is responsible for this mess.
This is not about helping victims, this is about maintaining a criminal element in the downtown core. All common sense has been thrown out, we replaced it with anarchy, drug addiction, theft, vandalism and other crimes. Its time to give these bottom feeders a new career.