Taylor Bachrach and the “Free Dental Care” Lie
Remember the sidewalk to nowhere? Well its worth reviewing, as the “Free Dental Plan” that Taylor is selling us also appears to be going nowhere.
Before I present to you the hard core sales of the “will it ever exist dental plan” Lets watch another clip of Taylor Bachrach and how he treats other MP’s in Parliament. Frankly as a resident of this riding I felt embarrassed. Does that not look like a sneer of his face?
Now I wish to present you more evidence in regards to Taylor Bachrach and his sales pitch on a dental plan he now seems to admit if failing horribly. But lets look at what he is selling the people of our riding.

Here is what Taylor Bachrach admits to on his Facebook page.
Quote from Taylor Bachrach “yes, it’s been frustrating that more dentists haven’t signed up. But more and more are coming on board all the time. In Fraser Lake, folks are closer to PG and Vanderhoof, which have participating dentists. There’s also on in Fort St James. Still need some in Smithers/Terrace/Kitimat.“
To bad Taylor omitted to say if any of those new dentists were in his riding. On record (see here) there is only one in Prince George and one in Quesnel. What is clear is that you will be buying a lot of fossil fuel to get to any appointments in Prince Rupert or Prince George, plus food, plus lodging, and lets not forget officially the one in Rupert is not listed, other than one in PG the rest are not listed if they even exist. So what will the actual cost be when you have to leave town to get dental work done? Or are we once again being scammed? This from a man who thinks we should all pay a lot more Carbon Tax to get to those appointments.
For Taylor to admit “yes, it’s been frustrating” is actually an admission the program cannot actually do what it has promised it would do.
Let’s be honest here, the dental plan is another sidewalk to nowhere.
The truth is that by the time you factor in all the travel costs it would be cheaper to simply not bother with the Free Dental Plan that fails to work for the people in our riding. You heard Taylor say that dental care should be part of Medicare, however he fails to acknowledged that Medicare has gone horribly wrong, waiting lists are now longer that ever, doctor shortages, medical staff shortages. Only 1/3 of the new hospital in Terrace is being used because they do not have the medical staff to use the whole building. If our Medical system is underfunded then where will the new funds come from?
Now let us look at what he is trying to sell to us, in order to get re-elected.
Then blame the Conservatives for his failed program, truth is there is no working program in place, its all smoke and mirrors.
Its all just another one of Taylor Bachrach’s sidewalks to NOWHERE.
NOTE: In the real world there is an official list that shows where there are actually dentists signed up to this NDP/Liberal Dental Program.
There are 30 dentists signed up to this program (see here) Only one in Prince George and one in Quesnel out of a total of 4,725 Dental Clinics in British Columbia.
It does not look like the program will be functional any time soon. Let me repeat, there are only 2 dentists officially on record in Northern British Columbia, they both had waiting lists before they took on all of Northern British Columbia, so just how many years will the people of his riding have to wait for dental care?
But then again, ask Taylor, the reason they did not sign up is because of the Conservatives. Remember Taylor claims that the issue of getting teeth fixed is what his constituents talk to him about on a regular basis. Funny they only tell him this, is it because the only people he talks to are holding a membership card?