Nathan Cullen opts to shaft non-aboriginals again
Quoting Vaughn Palmer in a Vancouver Sun article.
“VICTORIA — While B.C. marked the 10th anniversary of the Tsilhqot’in Aboriginal title case this week, there was grim news for guide outfitters whose livelihoods were put at risk by the landmark court decision. A group of five outfitters lost access to key hunting grounds when the Supreme Court of Canada recognized Tsilhqot’in title over substantial tracts of Crown land in the Chilcotin plateau. The five have waited for years to be compensated for the effective loss of their provincially granted guide outfitting tenures. But in the past week they learned that the provincial government had turned down a recommended compensation package for the second time.”
For years now citizens of the the riding of Skeena—Bulkley Valley have endured what seems to me a near total abandonment of support for non aboriginal citizens of our riding. It seems as if Nathan is suffering from a serious guilt complex over how he stole the nomination from former Tahltan Central Council President Annita McPhee. The BC-NDP rules stated. “Under the BC NDP Equity Mandate, when MLAs who self-identify as male retire, the party requires that the next nominee be a member of an equity-seeking group, such as an Indigenous person or a woman,” Nathan Cullen simply did not fit that mandate.
Read – B.C. NDP appointment of star candidate over Indigenous woman prompts questions about equity policy To complete the cover-up, because the BC-NDP already decided they needed the now famous Nathan Cullen who ran for leadership of his party federally, and was best known for his infamous tanker ban. See Tanker ban is an epic fail that hurts Canadians
Ever since then it seems as if Nathan has all but abandoned his support of non aboriginals, in particular those who are males and white in colour. Clearly in the case of these guides, they are all white males, and abandoned by the politicians who stole their livelihoods. Having said that it begs the question of who is next on Cullen’s hit list, if you are a white male you better be looking over your shoulder.