How to kill the BC Forest Industry
The NDP have caved in to the Tides funded Sierra Club and the Skeenawild Conservation Trust. They have direct connections to local MP Taylor Bachrach who is a lifetime member of the Tides funded Sierra Club. MP Taylor Bachrach likely also holds a membership card for the Skeenawild Conservation Trust, and his dinner dates with them are well documented. Both have campaigns to terminate logging and forestry in British Columbia. (see the evidence at the bottom of this article) So it begs the question of what is our BC NDP MLA Nathan Cullen doing to protect our jobs, likewise lets have a look at what our NDP MP Taylor Bachrach is doing to protect our jobs.
In the news today “MLA calls for strong response following Houston mill closure announcement” nope it was not our MLA, it was John Rustad Independent MLA for Nechako Lakes. Not that long ago (less than a year) we read this story “Bulkley Valley forestry industry lobbies Smithers council for support pushing back against old-growth deferrals” keep in mind that Smithers mayor Gladys Atrill is heavily connected to SkeenaWild (dedicated to killing the industry) and the NDP both federal and provincial. Please correct me if I am wrong and the Smithers Town council actually did something to defend our industry and its employees, the village of Telkwa did come out to support our industry.
To date (correct me if I am wrong) neither Nathan Cullen, or Taylor Bachrach have taken any steps at all to protect the jobs in the forest industry in our region. Other than helping create more division and keeping people (by nationality) fighting over the last bones, they both appear to be doing what the American interests want environmentalists to do, get rid of Canada as a competitor in all sectors of industry. Other than “B.C. budget includes $185 million to mitigate impact of old-growth logging deferrals” “Stikine MLA Nathan Cullen says specific programs will be developed with local consultation“
Cullen’s idea is to pay people to get a new job, maybe making Taylor approved McBicycles? A precursor to Justin’s “Just Transition.” Then you have Smithers mayor Gladys Atrill say “Smithers council is also concerned about the potential impact of old-growth deferrals, but does not have enough information to write a letter“. (anyone surprised?) Following the budget announcement, Horgan shuffled Cullen out of the role of Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations he is now the Minister of Municipal Affairs. AKA no longer my problem, only to see he got shuffled again under David Eby to Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship. How do they get anything done while they play musical chairs?
Just one of many sawmill closures in British Columbia “Canfor closing its Houston mill in April” “Canfor closes Chetwynd sawmill and pellet plant” “Canfor selling Mackenzie sawmill to Peak Renewables.” The NDP assault of the forest industry has been relentless, both by Nathan Cullen and Taylor Bachrach. Then we have this news “Update: Nearly 500 employees will be impacted by Canfor closing mills in Houston & Chetwynd“
“As of December 2022, Russ Taylor said stumpage rates in B.C. were $62 per cubic metre for the Interior, $41 on the coast, and $13 in Alberta.” Beetles, fires, NDP policies eat into timber supply abcd
“The NDP doesn’t care about the industry,” Quinn said. “Why? Because their political base is not in forest dependent communities.”
“Under the current system, forestry companies bid for contracts based on the market value for a stand of trees and pay for the right to harvest those trees on Crown land. Stumpage partially funds the province’s health care and education programs and in some cases is shared with First Nations communities under forest consultation and revenue agreements.” B.C. should consider ending stumpage timber fees, MLA says. “In April, the province boosted its stumpage fees and timber profits revenue sharing agreements with First Nations to $131 million, more than double from what the $59 million they received in 2021.“
Since 2005, 35 sawmills in B.C.’s Interior and nine on the coast have permanently shuttered, along with about half of the coastal shake and shingle mills, according to a new socioeconomic analysis of forestry in B.C.Aug 18, 2021 More mill closures loom for B.C., researcher warns “According to Statistic Canada, forestry in B.C. sustained more than 200,000 jobs (direct and indirect) in 2001. That has since been cut in half to about 100,000 jobs today, 50,000 of which are direct jobs.“
Going back to 2019 we have this story “Stumpage fees skyrocket under NDP” “In 2016, under a B.C. Liberal government the average combined stumpage fee rate for these species was $48.16 per cubic metre. In 2017, the combined average rate was $38.73 per cubic metre. Your B.C. Liberal government reduced the rates by 19.5 per cent from 2016 to 2017.” “In 2019, the NDP minority government raised the average stumpage rates to $223.10 per cubic metre, an increase of 116 per cent. The B.C. Liberal government had the average stumpage rate at $48.16 per cubic metre in 2016, and now in 2019, the B.C. NDP minority government has raised the rate to $223.10, an increase of 215.8 per cent, from 2016.
Then you have the idiots over at the Tyee, who want you to think we ran out of trees. The Tyee is a extremist NDP/Green newspaper/website.
The province reported more than $1.8 billion in stumpage fees in 2021, cashing in as lumber process skyrocketed with the COVID-19 pandemic. That uniquely large amount was generated from the harvest of about 58.2 million cubic metres of timber, said Parfitt, citing data from the government’s harvest billing system. B.C. timber industry in throes of change, as premier warns of ‘exhausted forests’
Let us not forget our NDP MP who owns Bachrach Communications. SkeenaWild Conservation Trust a local environmentalist group, funded by money laundering from the Tides Fpundation, see the two attached disclosures.

Then add in this brochure published by Bachrach Communications paid for by Tides and authorized by SkeenaWild Conservation Trust a full blown attack on Northern B.C.’s Forest Industry produced in 2019 and it all starts looking like it was the plan in the first place.
Next have a look at the one produced by the Sierra Club, do you think that its a coincidence both were published in 2019? So what else took place in 2019? And the answer is “2019- Bachrach is railroaded in past McPhee as the NDP candidate, Cullen works behind scenes to ensure his nomination, then actively campaigns for him. Bachrach is elected (large slide in NDP support) in October.”
Here it is, the Sierra Club report seeking to kill BC’s Forest Industry. (Propaganda at its best, paid for by the American Tides Foundation.