Silent Politicians on Pinnacle Pellet Plant Lies
“Photos of piles of logs at plants in Smithers, Burns Lake and Houston were released this week along with a report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives questioning whether the region’s timber supply is being put to its best use.”
“A co-founder of Bulkley Valley Clean Air says the public has been and continues to be misled regarding source material for the Pinnacle Pellet plant in Smithers.” “Vanderstar says the plant has been using whole, pulp quality logs and private land hardwoods since day one, something that has also led to complaints from neighbors of the plant about noise from the wood chipper.”
Len Vanderstar himself is one of the more outspoken persons in Smithers that has filed complaints about, noise pollution, light pollution, no I am not kidding, here is the link, (lights at Canadian Tire), smoke pollution (slash burning), pesticide use, the Telkwa coal mine, and the list goes on.
The only person to stand up for us was B.C. Liberals’ forestry critic John Rustad.
Reports by environmentalists on CBC , National Observer, iHeartRadio, the Star, the Northern View, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), Castanet, Energeticcity, Prince George Citizen, and many more news outlets were proclaiming The Pinnacle Pellet were “Report raises concern over ‘whole logs’ being used at BC pellet plants”
I found it astounding how so many media outlets simply gobble up radical environmentalists opinions as if they were factual reporting.
This was an actual CBC headline “B.C. trees are being turned into wood pellets — and that’s bad for the climate and workforce, critics say“
So where was Nathan Cullen and Taylor Bachrach, or for that matter the Smithers Town Council when a local employer and tax contributor was being slandered by environmentalists in a lot of BC’s media?
Yet here we are a week or so later and we read this story in the Interior News.
“Pinnacle Pellet in Smithers has an overabundance of logs in its yard. Most of it is slash only suitable for pellet making, but enough is of the grade Seaton is looking for to keep them in business.” In reference to selling some of its supply to Seaton Forest Products.
The only hitch seems to be NDP bureaucracy (Province’s Concurrent Residual Harvest System) created by Nathan’s predecessor Doug Donaldson in 2019.
Excuses excuses “Cullen said his biggest concerns are implications related to Canada’s Softwood Lumber Agreement with the United States and has consulted with government lawyers who are reviewing the situation.”
Another political stalling tactic by the sitting MLA Nathan Cullen, it reminds me of the time change we voted for, Horgan is still waiting for the USA to approve our made in BC time change.

On a side note, we have confirmed that photo was taken with a drone, according to a licensed drone pilot, the person who took these pictures was flying illegal at an altitude prohibited to drones as its part of the runway approach to the Smithers Airport. Nav Canada controls that airspace. (Canada’s air navigation service) It could explain why the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives were clueless about the quality of the logs from such a high altitude. The photos came from Stand.Earth so breaking the law appears not to matter to above the law environmentalists. Imagine the bitter irony, Stand.Earth funded by Tides Canada was formerly known as Forest Ethics, who rebranded due to its history of bad ethics. Tides Canada also due to ethical issues is now rebranded as MayWay.
Fines for corporations
- up to $5,000 for flying without a drone pilot certificate
- up to $5,000 for flying unregistered or unmarked drones
- up to $5,000 for flying where you are not allowed
- up to $15,000 for putting aircraft and people at risk
Be thankful that they can use subgrade timber to make the pellets. Most of the logs that I see in the picture are old beetle kill pine, not much good for anything now. I am also hearing that the btu value in the pellets is down because of inferior quality logs….