EditorialMorning Musings

Creating racism or fighting racism?

It’s been a while since I wrote a coffee cup chat, years ago when I was a lot younger and a lot more foolish, we used to love starting our day at the coffee shop where we would sit tell tales and blow a large part of the morning away socializing. Well I did my morning reading, reading what others had to say and it brings me to today’s topic.  Creating racism or fighting racism? I hope that those of you who read what I have shared, you will agree, this was an abusive attempt by legacy media not to fight racism, but to cash in on it.

Before I go on I want to make it intensely clear, that I oppose any form of racism, and on the top of the list is those who use racism to create racism, or use it to play politics, or those who use it to get newspaper funding.

I just finished reading in the Interior News – B.C. Conservative uses racist term to describe B.C.’s Indigenous people. Was that the truth, or a witch hunters lie?

Like a neon sign flashing in my head, I recall the lyrics of a song.

“Dedicated to “legacy media” for failing the people of British Colombia in an effort to slander Conservatives.”


Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself


Before we continue, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but the evidence, the tape is highly edited, its so edited the only words shared are the evil remarks made, not a word before or after it. Its impossible to find any full copy of the tape in the accusing press, publishing the tape in its entirety. In fact its so chopped, the only words shared with the public are the offending words. What the hell is the matter with reporters these days, its absolutely stunning that they like repeat what each other has said like squawking parrots with no attempt to verify the facts. In fact its the most disgusting display of journalism I have witnessed in a long time, all for one reason, its about slandering the Conservatives  who might end up running the province and cutting off their funding from the taxpayer feeding trough.


“What ever happened to ethical journalism, everything about this story defies what is taught in journalism schools.”



Lets look at the facts around this case, here we have a Vancouver Island University student Alyona Latsinnik, arguing with Marina Sapozhnikov, at the office while waiting for voting results, most likly they are all sharing a drink or two as well, while being set up by a sleazy wannabe journalist.


This exchange took place after Sapozhnikov had asked Latsinnik what she was studying. When Latsinnik said she was studying Indigenous affairs, Sapozhnikov questioned the veracity of what she was learning.


Funny how they never played that part of the recording!


NOTE: Keeping in mind that this student “just happened” to be at Marina Sapozhnikov  campaign office recording the entire conversation. Imagine that, she was at the campaign office of Marina Sapozhnikov, very likely pretending to be a supporter, or why else would you wait till that time, why would you wait till election night, unless there was hidden intent?  Especially when candidates are least likely focused on being set up for a fall? How did she know what was going to be discussed, and taping everything that was said? It has setup written all over it, then handing it to CBC, when they are on the Conservative chopping block? That’s not suspicious?


When Latsinnik pointed out that Europeans also fought each other all the time, Sapozhnikov acknowledged this aspect.

“But Europeans brought science here,” Sapozhnikov said. 

This exchange took place after Sapozhnikov had asked Latsinnik what she was studying. When Latsinnik said she was studying Indigenous affairs, Sapozhnikov questioned the veracity of what she was learning.

“They were hunters and gatherers,” Sapozhnikov said. “They make some enlightened people. They didn’t have writing. They didn’t have alphabet.”

When Latsinnik pushed back in calling Sapozhnikov’s western-centric, Sapozhnikov doubled down.

“They teach you this. It’s not true.”

When asked what agenda universities were pursuing, Sapozhnikov said it part of a ‘woke’ agenda. 


Funny how they have the transcript but not the recording?


Then we have this part of the report.

Academics, fellow party members condemn the remarks. In an interview with CBC News, University of British Columbia political science lecturer Stewart Prest said Sapozhnikov’s claims are “entirely false,” adding they were “needlessly divisive at a time when B.C. is taking cautious steps towards inclusivity.”


FALSE? Really now? Wait for it, we have it below.


“Why is the tape not played its its entirety, what are they hiding?”


I might have been getting ahead of myself by suggesting this was a setup, but follow me through on this one. I have never talked to Marina Sapozhnikov and know very little about her, but something does not add up here. Below is a lot of background copypastes.



Why would a woman who appears to be asian, is married to a man from Guyana be racist? Please correct me if I am wrong but most people that come from Guyana are considered black by decent. So why would someone who was born in 1961 in Ukraine, USSR, completing her education in medicine and earning an MD degree from the State Medical School of Vinnitsa, Ukraine, seized the chance to immigrate to Israel with her daughter and mother. In Israel, Marina reaffirmed her medical credentials and completed a rigorous four-year residency program in family. medicine. 2004, Marina took another leap of faith by immigrating to Canada. Here, she confirmed her medical degree once more. Marina dedicated herself to serving a rural community in Alberta, where she provided comprehensive care, including inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. Her commitment extended to training medical students and residents from the University of Alberta and UBC, fostering the next generation of healthcare professionals.In 2013, Marina relocated to British Columbia, continuing her mission to provide essential medical services in rural areas. In 2019-2020, she took on the role of a locum in remote and underserved communities, offering her a unique vantage point on the healthcare landscape in BC. This experience further solidified her dedication to improving healthcare access for all.

Begs the question of why would Marina Sapozhnikov make comments like that?

There is both a blessing and a curse following social media, the blessing is I found the source that Marina Sapozhnikov was quoting from. Yes all those hideous comments, racist, mean spirited, and all the other adjectives the press threw at Marina Sapozhnikov like in the days we burned witch’s at the stake. The sad part was even Conservatives got caught up in the condemnation.


WELL FOLKS – Its time to reveal the source that Marina Sapozhnikov was quoting.  As a realtively new comer to Canada she obviously gave some effort to learning Canadian history. The source was and remains the Goverment of Canada website. No its not a typo, I will post the shot below, but not before I give this advice to all potential political candidates. Clearly telling the truth is the problem, you need to sugar coat and bubble wrap your audience, or they can and will hold you accountable for what originates from our own goverment.

SHAME on you reporters too lazy to do your homework, at 70 I still am doing a better job than you are, and I was never a reporter or a journalist.

“So this was not about what was said, it was all about slandering Conservatives.”


And I might add, not run by the Conservatives but by the NDP/Liberal Coalition.


The screenshot below is only part of this page, when reading the entire online history, its clear where Marina Sapozhnikov was coming from in her conversation with someone less than sincere and leading this conversation with the object of exploiting the opportunity, that led to this mean spirited story, used to generate race hate. The URL to this page is here. If you really want to have the hair on your head stand up, scroll down to this part “Scalping, torture and cannibalism” When you are done tell me again how evil Marina Sapozhnikov was, or was she the victim of  media witch hunt?

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