They closed the Kispiox River – A state of Corruption on the Skeena
It all started on August 14th 2024, when I stumbled on the following post from a local sport shop, its not even about being locked out of fishing in the Kispiox River. I stopped fishing there because I love fishing, and I hate human harassment who want me to pay for fishing there, or have your auto vandalized. The reason I am doing this story, is what occurred here is blatantly wrong, and the media lost its way long ago, they no longer serve to protect the public, they only care about advertising revenue. After reading this entire article, it might be fair to say that this is a case of foreign funded political interference where the river is the casualty of a battle against a pipeline.
Nathan Cullen is the political pawn being used by the Eco-Cult movement (no joke, keep reading)
Having fished for food as a way of life for over 50 years, I can say of all people I really want to protect what we have, and we meaning every citizen of British Columbia owns this resource, it does not belong to a genetically selected few, a point that some would argue, but my opinion on that will never change. Seriously about the science, Kispiox has one station that measures water volume, levels and temperature, its near the mouth of the Kispiox river where it enters the Skeena River. Before we go on I want to point out the river gets warmer and warmer as it flows from top to bottom, so everything above this station is cooler water. Yet guides are hammering all the steelhead holding back in waters that just exited the Kispiox river with no protection whatsoever. So kick all non paying fisherman off the river and give 100% access to a few guides, pulling in 1000 dollars a day per client. If you are wondering at this point who are these guides? Keep reading, this is an epic mainstream press fail to follow the money.

One station and somehow all records older that 2 years ago miraculously went offline. Was this internal sabotage, or simply accidental bad timing? The evidence of historic past is no longer available to the public. There is no record of water temperatures 2 to 50 kilometres up the Kispiox River, is this science? We know that water over 20 degrees is a tipping point for fish, but to suggest the entire river should be closed because the exit point reached that temperature is beyond absurd, its purely political. The closure remains but the water has been in the safe range for almost 10 days based on today’s records, and has reached low temperatures of 15.5 °C somehow it remains closed to fisherman, clearly this is not about protecting fish as it is about underhanded political motives.
The following is a quote directly from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, “Warm Water Protocol” we want everyone to know exactly how corrupt this closure really was, and it was political interference in a fishery that is supposed to be governed by science. The following was taken from the east coast as there is no protocol for the west coast, however the science is the same. In our case, this instance the science just coincidentally applied by the same people trying to manipulate the outcome of another pipeline. The proof lies below, keep reading.
When water temperature is greater than 20°C but less than 23°C for two consecutive days, 32 key cold water pools are closed to fishing. Water temperatures are considered as well as water levels and fish behaviour. When water temperature exceeds 23°C for two consecutive days, morning-only fishing may be implemented elsewhere in the watershed.
The warm water protocol committee is led by DFO and takes input from stakeholders into account when making decisions about protocols. The MSA and other committee participants share notices about closures via email and social media. The warm water protocol committee continues to work on enhancing communications about closures and reopenings to the general public and enforcement officers.

in a nutshell, this cannot be about water temperature, as since the 19th of August the temperatures were 99% of the time below 20 °C
OK lets follow the rabbit down the hole, here is where my journey begins, I read the following on social media, here is a screenshot. Bare with me the truth comes in following the rabbit to the end of the hole. Please stay with me to the end on this one, you have no idea how much corruption we the people of the Skeena must endure, and a way to lazy media seems to prefer catering to these people who are selling us all out for their own advantage. The stench was strong enough for us to follow this story much deeper than any of them would ever want you to know. Its all about connections, connecting the corruption that is much more harmful than COVID ever was. You will see how linked the corruption really is, its rotten to the core.
As you can see I allowed the adding of a few comments, and did so for a good reason. Bob was a BC government fish biologist, where he spent almost 40 years fighting to save our fisheries. Between 1986 and 1999, he held the senior fisheries position for the Skeena Region under the Ministry of Environment, where he became instrumental in protecting wild steelhead. Read the following.
Backgrounder on who is Bob Hooton? – The unofficial bio, after some hard digging. We normally never do this but given Bob’s contribution to protecting the incredible steelhead resource in the face of so many political opportunists, it’s time we gave special recognition to this senior steelhead advocate. I won’t post it here but click on the link, as we posted it on a separate page. Bob has a special meaning to us locals, as a long time local resident here. Most of his bio we gleaned from an old website he used to run called “Steelhead Voices” and we miss that website Bob.

We really wanted to find out who was behind this closure and why now, its not even the hottest year, but it is an election year, and Nathan Cullen is desperate to regain the support of the Gitxsan after he suffered the humiliation of being evicted off their territory. please take the time to read “Gitxsan Nation issues fishing ban notice – Gangsters in the sandbox” part of that article quotes what Gitxsan leaders proclaimed in an article, “Government of BC Withdraws Participation On Fishing Crisis Talks, Perpetuating Cultural Genocide” this was a press release by the Gitxsan chiefs. These are the same fine chiefs that “Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs evict BC NDP MLA Nathan Cullen from his Hazelton constituency office on Gitxsan territory”
Now the stage is set for what comes next, we searched some more on social media, and we came up with this interesting post. We found this one in the “Kispiox Valley Community Association” and look who is the admin. (posted below those comments)

Notice how Shannon McPhail plays political football with an honest respectful question, one could suggest she was angry that he dared to ask. Clearly she played dodge ball with the very serious question of longer nets on the Skeena River. BTW this is not the first time we heard about much longer nets in the Skeena. How could you not suggest a higher mortality rate when larger longer nets are killing salmon and steelhead stocks, and what about the unwanted dead pink salmon tossed back into the Skeena?
Ask me who is Shannon McPhail? Well a very busy lady.

There is more from the Kispiox Valley Community Association, again Shannon McPhail leads the charge (next image) Once again and very recently Nathan Cullen is back in Kispiox.
Now lets go back a bit to the screenshot posted by Allison Oliver, personally I have never met or heard of this lady before, but she makes this post about closing the Kispiox River. “the Kispiox River is currently closed to recreational angling due to unsafe (too warm) temperatures for fish” Being born curious, I had to ask myself, why would she care, what connection does she have in all of this. Well we discovered that there are lots of connections, to the environmentalist extremists in Kispiox. But then again its all about connections, in her profile she tells us “Aquatic Ecologist at Skeena Fisheries Commission” she is yet another import from a California University UC Davis. The Skeena Fisheries Commission (SFC) is a Indigenous Fisheries Research and Conservation organization. In a nutshell another non aboriginal living at the feeding trough of aboriginals who need science to back up their claims. The Gitxsan wanted to close the river, and she just happened to have the degree to justify the action. (Well if you can base that decision on one station reading at the bottom end of a river that happens by chance to end in Kispiox.) Look below Americans in Witset, both earning money from the indigenous feeding trough.
Digging a bit more we came across another man who seems to appear quite often in her history, his name is Ryan Whitmore who also hales out of Fresno, California. His job “Stock Assessment Biologist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada” but there is more, this man doubles as a representative for the Gitksan Watershed Authorities “is a traditional and science based body of fisheries professionals, biologists, field technicians, community leaders and support staff that operates under its own Board of Directors, respected Chiefs from each of the four Clans.” Again another non aboriginal living at the trough of First Nations. Somehow this is not a conflict working for taxpayers inside the DFO? The following is a screenshot taken from a Skeena Angler Advisory Team Meeting with BC Goverment- Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO)/Ministry of Environment (MOE)/BC Parks and Conservation Officer Service Division

Somehow I see the connections, Shannon McPhail is the founder and executive director of Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, can’t you just smell the hypocrisy? Shannon McPhail wants all industry other than tourism shut down, I get it, her family owns Bear Claw Lodge, The Allens’ are sixth generation Kispiox Valley residents, who made their fortune logging in the Kispiox valley. They made big money logging but now that is over they are into guided guided fishing trips, and they offer world-class steelhead salmon fishing right in their backyard on the Kispiox river. Then they have as winter income almost 6,000 miles of a heli-skiers paradise in the Skeena Mountain Range that surrounds the lodge, managed by Skeena Heli-Skiing. They do not want any more logging or pipelines, its bad for their family income. In fact to this day Jim Allen is on the board of directors for the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition. Let me quote from thier Bear Claw Lodge website “Our family: It’s normal for Gene to pick you up at the airport, Joy to greet you at the front door, and Kaleigh to cook up an amazing meal. You’ll find Jim running the fishing and rafting program and Shannon working on environmental programs and community initiatives. Unsurprisngly, you’ll see them all doing a little bit of everything else to make sure your stay in their home is one you won’t soon forget.“

Now moving on please read “Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition – Pipeline Wars” Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition is gifted 90 Thousand dollars by American Environmental Groups to convince Kispiox residents to vote against the Ksi Lisims LNG Terminal proposal . Kolin Sutherland-Wilson is MC for the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition’s Pipeline Presentation at Community Info Session on November 20, 2023 at Kispiox Village Community Hall, the same man who was arrested for vandalizing equipment the Coastal Gaslink Project close to Houston BC. They also received grants from the Tides foundation. Kolin Sutherland-Wilson gets to confront Nathan Cullen as the antagonist leaving Nathan in a very embarrassing situation.

But that’s not the end of the rabbit hole, Kai Nagata who lives on his mothers farm in Kispiox and runs Dogwood BC berates the RCMP for doing their job, protecting legally approved projects. Note Kia was also part of the same gang of radical protesters as many of those who were arrested on the Morice Logging Roads.
Oh but there is more to this story of corruption in Kispiox.
I am sure if I spent more days I would be able to write a book about how these people use American funding to pay for wars they do for extra incomes.
Have you ever heard of the Kispiox River Lodge? Prior to today I never knew they existed, they are fishing guides on the Kispiox River, they get no money from sport fisherman unless they are clients.

Hannah and Simon Stockner own the Kispiox River Lodge, they are the children of Todd and Kathy Stockner, who own a bed & breakfast and steelhead guiding operation in the Kispiox Valley, only a few minutes away from the lodge. So what about them, other than its clear they are promoting a war against yet another goverment approved project, that passed all the environmental prerequisites already. For five years now, Simon has been a river guide during the summer for the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition based in Hazelton. Simon is a trip leader of SWCC’s flagship program, Youth On Water. Further down the rabbit hole, Kathy Stockner is the Office Administrator for none other than the above mentioned Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition. Funny how they all meet each other in the middle of the conspiracy to kill a pipeline. Then we have Todd Stockner is a Director at Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition.

Pay attention to the fine print in the bottom right of that advertisement. Presentation by Kia Nagata and Graeme Pole. Graeme Pole lives in Kispiox and owns Mountain Vision Publishing a relatively newcomer to becoming a political activist. – Graeme Pole is a photographer and writer who lives in Kispiox who is actually quite talented at writing anti pipeline material even if stretching the truth justifies lying about it. Either way the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition is only to happy to get his material. Kia Nagata on the other hand has quite an astounding history with the Tides Foundation funded environmentalist group called Dogwood. Kai Nagata is also the communications director at Dogwood a radical left wing extremist environmental organization.
Now there is literally hundreds of clips and evidence against these Eco-Cultists but I want to remind you that Dogwood BC is funded by the American Tides Foundation (see here) and they are trying to influence local residence into opposing a 100% approved process by goverment, yet here outsider are in Canada, manipulating our society so the Americans get all the benefits of the oil and gas industry. The Eco-cultists are the fools doing their dirty work.

Wow! Thankyou so much for this article, what made no sense at all now makes perfect sense, the NDP clearly do not give a damn about our fish, they only gauge what it takes to get re-elected. One more term with the NDP we can all sell our fishing gear, and look for a better province to live in.
An outstanding piece of investigative reporting. Kudos to the author for the time and effort obviously dedicated to fact and truth. I’ve long felt the historic relationships in the Kispiox Valley, together with the underground economy that has been so obvious for so long, has created untouchable situations for people with the mandate to address them. This latest (unsupportable) temperature business with a transplanted American installed as the agent on behalf of the Gitxsans is the last straw for me. Throw in her DFO stock assessment partner, of similar persuasion, and shake your head. The fact that Cullen et al right there in downtown Smithers are nowhere to be found is disgraceful. If Cullen spent a fraction of the time doing his job instead of seizing every opportunity to be in front of a camera or microphone in every possible First Nations forum, just to augment his re-election chances, he might have a gram of credibility. I’m reminded of days when he was the federal MP out of Rupert. He wouldn’t breathe a word of negativity toward the commercial fishing industry and its impact on steelhead. Different employer and location today but same movie.
100% Bob, It is about time that rats nest is turned out..
This was a fascinating read. My hat is off to the author.
Before I left my home in the lower mainland in BC, in 2018, to look after a family member in Ontario, I was asked to meet with two elders. One was from the upper Fraser Valley and the other was apparently a hereditary chief from a band south of Haida Gwai.
I asked them why they wanted to meet with me, and they told me it was to get a different perspective or view from someone they felt they could trust.
Our meeting was lite, with their interest being about a possible eco tourism business south of Haida Gwai. They said they wanted to know how viable it might be , but more to the point wanted my opinion about accepting outside investment money from a group that as I recall was from California.
I told them some of my thoughts about the venture, and spoke separately about the investment from what they perceived could be an angel investor of some sort.
I spoke about my concern about this form of investment without knowing more about who and what you were dealing with, given that some concerns had already begun to arise from groups doing this and then having undue influence about direction and shape within an organization or company’s culture.
Just passing this on. I was a fishing/ marine/ camping rep serving the west from 2003-2018. And yup…… I miss it all.
Guess who is making sure he has their vote? Looking at both the Kispiox Valley Community Association and the Reception Chiefs Facebook pages, funny how neither the Gitxsan or the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, almost all residents of Kispiox make no mention of Cullen visiting them.